Obsessed with Jesus

Last night we look at the 2nd half of Philippians 1. Andrew spoke about Paul’s obsession with Jesus. I’ve been thinking about obsessions. I don’t want to live a balanced life. I want to live a Philippians 1:21 life.

Soccer used to be my obsession. It’s not any more. What’s your obsession? Do you get more passionate about mac vs pc; holden vs ford; nescafe vs gourmet coffee; league vs union; Labour vs Liberal or about JESUS!

Get passionate about JESUS. Talk about Jesus. It’s all about Jesus. He died. He rose. He’s coming back. Don’t waste your life.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

eternal weight of glory birthday… sort of

It was on May 10 AD2006 that eternalweightofglory went public. In 2002 I had a blog named slightmomentaryaffliction – but didn’t really use it. So in 2004 I made a new one with the positive side of 2 Cor 4:16-18 as the title – but I didn’t really use it either. So in May 2006 after some umming and arring – this blog went public.

Here are the early posts from May AD2006. The memories.

In this cat-out-of-the-bag post, I outlined four objectives for eternalweightofglory:

Here’s a few ground rules for my blog:
>>> Concise – I don’t like blogs where the post goes for a few pages
>>> Colourful – put pictures in so it isn’t boring and those who can’t read will still enjoy the site
>>> Original – I’ll try not to just post to other news stories all the time
>>> Insightful – Among other things, I’m keen to talk about youth ministry

How do you think I’ve gone on all 4 of these rules? Leave a rating for each (Concise, Colourful, Original, Insightful) out of 10 in the comments…

My aim over the next year is to talk about Jesus more.

Loyal reader. Thank you.


Joost is the latest thing. I think. It’s from the makers of skype (I think). Joost is Free internet TV when you want it where you want it (or something like that). It’s still in beta phase – and I think you need to be invited to use it. (I have an account and can invite you if you want – just email me or leave your email address in the comments).

There are stacks of channels. Lots of fighting channels. Guinness World Records type thing. Ummm. Here’s a channel list. Maybe 100 channels? They have whole seasons that you can watch at your own pace. Row and I have found one to watch: Bridezillas. It follows some rich New York brides-to-be in the lead up to their wedding. Haven’t seen much yet.

I’m not a huge TV fan (we don’t have one)… I don’t think this will change me. But I think it’s a good concept. You don’t have to watch ads etc… and you don’t have to adhere to the TV Network’s timing schedule. This is web 2.0 and the future of television.

Hey Christians in the Media crew – maybe try and get your new show on there??? What do you think?

The pic is a screen shot of ‘the cold war kids’ live in concert.
Just quickly looked @ the wikipedia entry. here.


Check out www.dontwasteyourlife.com. They have a podcast (downloadable in iTunes too) and a blog that are updated at least once a week. The videos are short and super-challenging.

John Piper talks about how in the bible Jesus talks more about money than he does heaven and hell. It IS difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God! But what is impossible with man is possible with God.

From age 15/16 to 19/20ish I was quite frivolous with the way that I spent money. CDs. Clothes. Junk food. Praise God that he has changed me – but I pray that he would keep changing me. To my ccecyouth readers: don’t be frivolous with your money!!! Older readers who have greater access to $$$ need to hear this just as much: don’t be frivolous with your money!!!

Invest in that which will last forever. 2 Cor 4:16-18

How are you tempted to waste your life? How are you frivolous with money, time & your life? What steps are you taking to invest in eternity?