Character before Competence in Christian leaders

Titus has been given the job of setting up leaders in the church in Crete. In Titus 1:5-9, Paul gives Titus the criteria for how to appoint those pastors. The striking thing as you read through the list is that character matters much more than competence. Does that mean you should look for incompetent people to be pastors in churches? No, it means you look for men with godly character before you look for men with gifts.

Titus 1:10-16 shows why it’s important for Titus to set up godly leaders. There are ungodly leaders around. “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him” (verse 16). And so, godly leaders “must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that [they] can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (verse 10).

I think sometimes we jump too quickly from the requirements for elders, overseers and deacons in 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus and apply them to youth group leaders or Sunday school teachers. I think they are, indirectly, applicable to all people in God’s church. But first and foremost as you read these lists you need to be careful who you follow. Does their life & character match their doctrine? And if you aspire to leadership within the church, are you developing your own character?

4 Replies to “Character before Competence in Christian leaders”

  1. If Sam walks away from the faith and becomes wild and disobedient, at what level is that contingent on your character, and will you step down from your leadership position?

    But thanks for the post. Tim Hawkins and Crossfire was always big on this. Above reproach and a high standard is essential.

  2. not sure geoff.
    i don’t think it’s enough to say i know of ministers who’s kids fit that description… but they didn’t step down, so neither should i!!

    you’ve probs thought more about this than me.
    but i think his age is a factor.
    i’m not sure.

    i’d love to hear your thoughts.
    will do some thinking and reading and get back to you!

    yeah – tim has some great material on the above reproach thing.

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