Cross Cultural Fail

Realising that the man only spoke Arabic, plan B kicked into action. I reached for the green Arabic copy of Luke’s gospel. Proudly I held it up the right way. My cultural savviness was paying off; I know that this language reverses the reading direction. This is going well! Simultaneously he began closing the door as he said ‘Islam’. The conversation quickly progressed to plan C.

Yeah-soos?? Yeah-soos?? Yeah???

As the door closed, the smile on Robbo’s face said it all. Yes. I said Jesús in Spanish instead of Arabic.

I could justify my cultural faux pas by explaining to you that my mission team is very Anglo-Christian. It does include 3 Dave’s, 3 Matt’s, 2 Andrew’s and 2 Daniel’s. Or maybe I just need to work harder at understanding people and cultures…


3 Replies to “Cross Cultural Fail”

  1. Smooth move DM!

    BTW – I saw you on Thursday afternoon on Strathfield station looking very tired (and lugging what appeared to be about 17 different bags)!

    It’s ‘Isa’ in Arabic isn’t it?

  2. hey rodeo
    i was very tired!!
    it wasn’t 17 – just 3 – but felt like 17 when you’re tired!!
    yes – i think it’s ‘Isa’
    hope you’re well

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