Dig Lazarus, Dig

The Centre for Public Christianity website was launched on Good Friday. CPX is “a research and media organisation promoting the public understanding of the Christian faith.” John Dickson and Greg Clarke are the big daddies of the venture and it looks like they’ve got some good gear happening.

In the video below, Greg Clarke reviews the latest Nick Cave album: Dig Lazarus, Dig. Check out the text version.

2 Replies to “Dig Lazarus, Dig”

  1. Good to hear a review that does its best to get into Nick Cave’s head.

    My favourite lyric writer is Neil Finn, second is Nick Cave. Although I disagree with his lyrics at almost every point, he has a talent to vividly articulate his skepticism towards Christianity

  2. Although I disagree with his lyrics at almost every point, he has a talent to vividly articulate his skepticism towards Christianity

    good thought.

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