DMDC update

Sam and Soph are celebrating the 2 year birthday of their blog. Except for these six posts in 2004 and 2005, this blog started properly in early May 2006, with this post. When I let the cat out of the bag, my aim was to be: concise, colourful, original and insightful. I think to varying degrees, I’ve kept the aim the same for the last two years.

In February this year, I changed the address to and made the blog into a 3-pronged business. Designing is the most cumbersome part of dmdc. It takes longer to produce work for someone else than it does for yourself, but I’m enjoying the websites and other design work I’m currently working on. Writing is probably the most stressful part of dmdc. Deadlines are hard to keep, but I think I’ve been able to produce some good material. Speaking is the part of dmdc that brings the most joy. It’s such a privilege to be able to proclaim Jesus to teenagers around New South Wales, encourage their youth leaders and see different styles of youth ministry. Although, it’s a bit weird getting paid to do it!

Thanks for reading, supporting and friending dmdc and its owner… warm fuzzies all ’round! (Bonus warm fuzzy for each commenter)

20 Replies to “DMDC update”

  1. Colourful, to be sure!

    I’m a latecomer to the world of d-miers, but i’m a big fan!

    good on ya, feller.

  2. I reckon I’ve been reading you since (almost) the start. Yours was our second ‘blog of the month’ when we used to that.

    Can I get a warm fuzzy for every month I’ve read?

  3. warm fuzzies…

    reuben: you are the most gifted greek language tool making dude i know… any time you want bromance… just let me know.

    matt: you are an “ideas man” (no small compliment!)

    sam: you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are the embodiment of a warm fuzzy and super-positive all the time. you are awesomeness for reading this far.

  4. 722 posts.
    avg comments per post = 3.45

    CJ Warm fuzzy: you have the best initials of any regular commenter on dmdc.

  5. Well done, mate. I love the ‘new’ site and love reading your posts. What’s some stuff you’ve written lately, for offline?

  6. Love your work Dave – I think you deserve a warm fuzzy yourself….

    You have great writing, speaking, designing and blogging skills.

  7. ben – a 3rd of the way through some scripture union material. some of it made it onto the blog with the Paul’s priorities stuff- but there’s much more that i recently submitted and is being published at the moment. the other 2/3s will be finished in the next week or so. got another thing in the pipeline with another organisation – will let you know more soon!

    warm fuzzies:

    ben – i think it’s hebrew for encourager. you are really encouraging

    guthers – you are really nice to small marsupial animals that have been injured in car accidents.

    sam – glad you’re warm.

  8. it’s now 13 ago!!

    (i’m now averaging over 1000 hits per week – so the 40,000 from the last 108 weeks should at least double to 80,000 in the next 40 weeks…)

    yeah – in hebrew 1.0 that may have been the case… but in hebrew 2.0 it’s actually encourager. maybe you’re still only on 1.0?

  9. Gee, I have really poor form when it comes to commenting. Sorry dude.

    Good stuff Dave, keep it up.

    I have a vague memory of having coffee with you, Row and Drew at Max Brenner’s, and I believe you introduced the words ‘podcast’ and ‘blog’ to my vocabulary at that time.

  10. hey michelle

    i think i’m an ‘early adopter’ so glad that i could introduce you to podcasting and blogging!

    here’s a warm fuzzy for you:

    Michelle – you are really good at making coffee and a good friend.


    (it’s now 581 ago…)

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