Look for Evidences of God’s Grace

I really enjoyed the past weekend away with SOULIES Youth Leaders. On Saturday we spent some time on a midyear ministry review. Review sessions can easily become unnecessarily negative. And negativity breeds negativity. Which then in turn breeds negativity. And so on. So we spent some time thinking about how to flavour our review by looking for evidences of God’s grace. In this vid, Mark Driscoll explains this concept:

Looking for evidences of God’s grace is not about ignoring areas for growth and improvement, but rather remembering that we have so many places that we see God’s kindness to us. Our review session on Saturday was really encouraging! I’m thankful for the many good things that God is doing among us, and we had a good opportunity to respond with praise and thanksgiving.

My hope is that in the ongoing process of reviewing our youth ministry that we would continue to flavour it with thankfulness to God for his incredible grace.

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