Francis Chan on Persecution in India

The following video is horrific. It shows footage of Christians being persecuted in India. If in doubt, don’t watch it, simply remember and pray for brothers and sisters around the world who are killed for their faith in Jesus. Hear the impact it had on Francis Chan:

Watch a longer (and much more horrific) version of this video

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3 Replies to “Francis Chan on Persecution in India”

  1. i heard about all the stuff going on in india last year on the christian podcast i download ‘wretched radio’ its just shocking they had a guy from voice of the martyrs on and he was sayin that the hindus were even locking families in their houses then burning it to the ground just for being christian

    he also spoke of a pastor he visited in a chinese jail who lost his family and was being beaten daily and locked up for being a christian and he asked the pastor what can people pray for should they pray for persecution to stop? and the pastor said do not pray for persecution to stop pray for strength, in faith and physical and pray for endurance but do not pray for persecution to stop its whats growing true christianity if it stops and is open then all the bad stuff from america will get in…

    when i heard that thought that was amazing then you see chrisitians in the western world seeing christianity is as a means to get stuff and live their best life now.

  2. sorry the pastor wasnt just locked up for being a christian it was also because he was on the streets preaching and also found to be pastor of one the house churches

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