4 Replies to “Friday Foto #3”

  1. Noice.

    Loving the Friday Foto thingo, might have to start one myself, am into my photography at the moment.

    Keep em coming!

    Hope this comment works.

  2. from what i’ve seen on your blog… you’ve got a pretty sweet camera…
    mine is point and shoot one… good but not crazy good!!!

    i’m going to maybe try and do one every week??? so there might be #52 by the end of the year (or it might even be 53 depending on the calendar)

    your friday youtubes stopped… maybe a photo thing can replace that???

    this comment will work.

  3. Yeah it’s a pretty good one, but those point and shoot ones can take awesome shots too… Canon 400D.

    I look forward to seeing more photos from you.

    I know I got a bit slack with the whole youtube thing and just started posting ones up every now and again when I found a funny one.. maybe the photo thing will work instead, we will see.

    This comment will also work now I am not a DOH!

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