January Preaching Series

At St Faith’s we begun a new 6-part summer preaching series on Christmas Eve/Day. 6 REASONS JESUS CAME DOWN TO EARTH will continue throughout January. Our hope is that it will be a good series to bring non-church going friends and family to hear.

I thought that Christmas was a good time to launch a series rather than inviting people to a new series starting the following week. Hopefully visitors will have heard the series kick-off over Christmas and their interest will have been piqued to continue finding out more reasons why Jesus came down to earth.

It’s been good to leverage the same artwork and signage from Christmas. It means our public banners (one of which was stolen!!) are relevant for 6 weeks instead of just 1 event. However, I think that the artwork is probably a little bit too Christmassy. So if we were to do it again in a year’s time, the advertising could be a bit more generic.

What’s your church preaching on throughout January?
Don’t go to a church? Consider checking one out so you can consider Jesus.
(Contact me if you need help finding one in your area.)

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