Living the Revolution – NQ Megasurge

Following Jesus is radical. Jesus died. Jesus rose again. And those that follow Jesus are to be radically changed by that good news… it will start a REVOLUTION in your life.

Living the Revolution

This series looks at Luke’s biography of Jesus and ask the questions: What makes Jesus so radical? What does it means to live the revolution? Are you living it?

I gave the following talks (mp3) on North Queensland Megasurge 09 (live tweets):

  1. Radical Love (Luke 15:11-35)
  2. Radical King (Luke 23:32-43)
  3. Radical Discipleship (Luke 9:18-27)
  4. Radical Change (19:1-10)
  5. Radical Priorities (16:1-15)

4 Replies to “Living the Revolution – NQ Megasurge”

  1. hey mate,

    great theme! We had a youth camp a couple of weeks ago, looking at Acts 1-9, also with the revolution theme going on. great minds think alike!
    Or maybe we’re just stealing themes from Luke…

  2. hey matt,

    i can see how you used revoluton idea for acts 1-9 – it fits well!

    great minds definitely think alike!

    keep proclaiming Jesus,


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