11 Replies to “Love more than one”

  1. Pretty sure group sex has been around longer than the NRL and Jeans West ;)

    And since when is it called “group sex” anyway, or does that just make it sound less debauched than an orgy?

  2. let’s call it an orgy then! It’s biblical.
    I know it’s been around 4 a long time, but emphasis was on the general acceptance if it’s consenting adults. I think this current eg, shows that consent is the wrong framework to deal with issues of morality.

  3. Well, it’s generally been acceptable as part of some pagan religions, hasn’t it? Why not as a part of secular humanist paganism?

  4. i guess the west has come out of a period in history that has been shaped by a judeo-christian worldview. Does that mean orgies stopped happening for a few hundred years? No, just that they were more frowned upon and taboo from a conservative society.

  5. I think that “consent” is one of the key ethical principles of our society. It is what many issues turn on – euthanasia, sexual activities, other bioethical issues like body dysmorphic disorder etc. But you are right – as usual – David, consent is completely over blown as an ethical principle because it is completely inflates that individual as its own island than isn’t in a dependent relationship with others – this is a legacy from the enlightenment, something from which Christianity needs to disentangle itself from.

    On the whole group sex thing (or the Matthew Johns thing). I think it is interesting as it has challenged wider society to think about sexual ethics – yes this woman may have “consented” which makes it legal and hence quasi ethical, but a lot of people are starting to feel that isn’t enough, that there was something unethical about the situation.

    Anyway I’ve probably written more than I’ve needed to. Hope the babymoon is still rockin along

  6. chris,

    you should blog more often. you’re probably the smartest person who visits this blog. depending on the day, definitely the top 3.

    do you know of anyone that has written much on the deficiencies of consent as an ethical principle? or should i just wait until 3rd year ethics class???

    peaceout homie

  7. Thanks Dave, that’s very flattering – more comments like that and I will keep on blogging.

    An English philosopher Onora O’Neil has written on the problems with consent by way of looking at trust and what is involved in trusting another. She has also co-authored a book “Rethinking Informed Consent in Bioethics” not that I have read it, but going from her other stuff I think it would be an interesting read. She is good at clearly expressing her ideas, not in the turgid way of many philosophers.

  8. chris,

    you should blog more often. you’re probably the smartest person who visits this blog. depending on the day, definitely the top 3.

    do you know of anyone that has written much on the deficiencies of consent as an ethical principle? or should i just wait until 3rd year ethics class???

    peaceout homie

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