“Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10 ESV)
Learning from and praying for the persecuted church has significantly encouraged my Christian life. Approximately 1 in 7 Christians (~360million) are persecuted for following Jesus. Seeing the faithfulness of my sisters and brothers – even unto death – gives me the courage to keep following Jesus no matter the cost.
Open Doors is an incredible organisation that exists to strengthen the persecuted church through their suffering. Many of you would know that I’ve been a big supporter of Open Doors, so I’m grateful to share with you that I’ve recently joined the team as a Relationship Manager. I’m working to strengthen and build new relationships with pastors and churches in Queensland and Western Australia.
The team at Open Doors are the real deal. I’ve been blown away by the gospel-fuelled, other person-centred, and grace-filled culture of the team in Australia and New Zealand. It’s a gift to learn from CEO Mike Gore and the rest of the team during this season. God is good.
If there are any Aussie/Kiwi Pastors and Church Leaders reading this – hit me up if you’re interested in learning more about how Open Doors are “Helping people follow Jesus all over the world, no matter the cost.”
ps – it’s 8 years to the day since I published this persecuted church blog post that went viral: WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH THE ARABIC LETTER IN FACEBOOK PROFILE PICS? (Almost 1 million hits!)