Plans for 2011 and beyond…

15 days of class. 1 essay. 3 exams. That’s it. I will be finished my Bachelor Theology at Moore College by mid-November. Yieeewwww! I really do like College: the people; the stuff I’m learning; the city; and knowing Jesus better. But I’m eagerly looking forward to starting life again. Bring it. For blog readers I don’t hang out with much in real time offline, I thought it would be good to let you know what we’ll be doing in 2011.

Thinking, praying, talking and working through the options for post-college ministry has been a time-consuming and strenuous activity! While we’ve been dreaming and scheming the whole way through college, most of the first half of this year was spent thinking through in concrete terms what 2011 would look like.

Searching for what to do and where to do it literally took me to the other side of the world!! I went on a top-secret trip in May to talk through youth ministry opportunities in… Canada!!!! It really was an encouraging and challenging time to think through if we were willing to count the cost of discipleship and really follow Jesus.

Well, we’re not going to Canada.

There were a number of really good youth ministry opportunities in Sydney. Each of which I was quite excited about!! But you can’t do everything and so after lots of thinking, praying and conversing I decided to accept the role of Youth Pastor at St Faith’s Narrabeen. It’s a good fit for us as a family and an exciting mission field.

We’ve already moved to Narrabeen and started going to church on Sundays. It is a fantastic church and we have been lovingly welcomed by a very generous group of Jesus’ peeps. I’m very much looking forward to working with the great staff team and can’t wait to start full-time in January.

The St Faith’s Youth Community is a strong group of teenagers committed to following Jesus. But there are so many teenagers on the Northern Beaches who don’t love Jesus. So I’m looking forward to encouraging young punks and their leaders in seeing their friends become Jesus’ disciples too.

There are lots of people in our age and stage of life. We’ve already had great opportunities to connect with a number – both church-goers and non-churched.

If you’re a pray-er, we’d value your prayers as we continue to make the transition into this next stage of life and ministry.

The above photo is our first family photo back in August in our new front yard!

ps Sydney FC‘s winless streak has made it easy to remain loyal to the Mariners

12 Replies to “Plans for 2011 and beyond…”

  1. No matter how many winless streaks the mariners may have I trust you will always go for them!

    Praying for you all and God’s work through you at narrabeen & beyond…

  2. Great.
    Already close to finishing your college, eh?
    I remember at our youth camp a couple of years ago, you sharing your thoughts/uncertainties about whether to continue at the Moore or change to another college so you can study part-time… I think you were in your first year at the college back then!
    How faithful and gracious God has been to all of us…

  3. hey steve,
    i’m willing to change teams for the sake of the gospel. at the moment i don’t think it’s necessary!! but if God calls me to… i will!

    thanks for praying.
    let us know when you want to come and hang on the beaches!

    hey tim
    yep – the finishing line is in sight.
    yeah – i was thinking about switching to part-time, but am glad i’ve now (more or less) finished!
    God is very kind.

  4. Well you will miss out on the Ice Hockey. Hope Narrabeen works out really well for you guys. Prayers for you and the work of the Gospel, and i hope it is hard work, that’s the bst kind :-)

  5. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. It really is encouraging to hear you stepping out into the plans God has for you. Im glad to hear you row and sam are NOT going to canada. But even if you did, Im sure we ‘ the body’ would be blessed anyways.

    Keep shining, keep speaking, keep loving.

  6. hey tony – thanks for the encouragement. believe it or not, i’m told that narrabeen used to have an ice rink, but some units or woolies or something was built on it in the last couple of years. there is a freezer in woolies, but probs not big enough for a game of hockey!

    hey wade – thanks for your ongoing encouragement and lovn. you’re a champ. catch ya soon.

  7. hey dave, great to hear you are happy at narrabeen and that the church there has welcomed you and row and samuel

    keep repping jesus mate !


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