Radical Love

All people just want to be accepted. That’s why we form into groups with people like us. Sub-cultural groupings are all about being accepted and fitting in. Emo, surfer, nerds, pony club, rugby boys, etc. Wanting to be accepted is ultimately about wanting to be loved. How do you know that someone loves you? How do you know that you are really accepted? The biggest question you can ask: does God love me?

Radical Love

In Luke 15:11-32, we meet a father and his two sons. The first son is a tool. He says to his dad that he wants his share of the inheritance now. He’s basically saying: “I wish you were dead!” His dad gives him his share of the estate and then he goes off and parties it all down the toilet in wild living. When Rebel Kid comes to his senses, he comes home and he’s accepted by his loving father.

The older son gets a bit cranky pants about this. He’s the do gooder who has always been close to his father. Yet Religious Kid’s problem is that he doesn’t have relationship with his father. Even though he lives in the same house, he is as far away as his younger brother was when he was at the disco.

Does God love you? Yes! With a Radical Love! Jesus’ death on the cross, in our place, for our sins is God’s demonstrating that He loves us. At the cross, God is calling home both Rebel Kids and Religious Kids.  No matter how many stupid things you’ve done, Jesus can forgive your stupidity. No matter how good you think you are, Jesus can forgive your religiosity.

In Luke 15, the younger son comes home. The older son? We’re not sure. What about you?