A mix of articles and resources in this latest #Snippety. I’m not quite sure how to title these posts. The last one received lots of hits because of (inadvertently) leading with homosexuality. This post is all hashtags. If you have an opinion on #Snippety titles, let me know.
Retweeting compliments is one of the most annoying things from friends and acquaintances on twitter! So if that’s you, read the 3rd article! Also – if you see me do it, you have permission to call me out on it!! Peace.
Christians, together with all sane people, find no joy in war. Peace, not war, must always be our goal. Yet when war is necessary those who take up arms on our behalf must be supported and respected. When they are injured in the course of such action they should be confident of our nation’s assistance. When they are killed, we should give thanks to God for their sacrifice, and maintain fitting memorials to remind us, and future generations, of the cost of our freedom.
Stolen from their boarding school by gunmen in the middle of the night. Packed into the back of open lorries as the buildings around them were burned to the ground… A handful of the teenage girls escaped by hiding in a dangerous nearby forest; others jumped from the lorries in their desperation to escape.
I propose we stop the bad habit of retweeting compliments, and then perhaps move the conversation forward as we spill some ink (pixels?) on more edifying subjects like dealing with the underlying sin in our hearts that rises up whenever we read (let alone retweet) such compliments.
It’s the app where every message is meant to self-destruct. But is snapchat a suitable program for your children?
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