What is happening to Christians in Iraq at the moment is truly horrifying (see my previous posts: here, here and here). I understand from Iraqi Christians, including some that have got in touch with me, that they are encouraged by the support from Christians around the world – through the financial support and also something simple like changing your social media profile picture. According to Open Doors, support raised is saving the lives of persecuted Christians.
I’ve been encouraged to see the ‘N’ letter become a symbol among 1000s of Christians in the West. Persecution isn’t something new. Followers of Jesus have suffered greatly for the last 2000 years. There are some 200 million Christians in our world who live under the constant threat of persecution because they belong to Jesus. So I think it’s a good thing that more Christians in the West are more aware of persecution so that they can stand with other believers, support them financially and pray that they would persevere. I also pray that it would help me examine more seriously my own discipleship and willingness to live for Jesus no matter the cost.
Open Doors have a new blog post suggesting 4 WAYS YOU CAN HELP CHRISTIANS IN IRAQ. One of their suggestions is to “TELL THEIR STORY” – they have just launched a t-shirt to help tell the story of persecuted believers. Here is part of the story behind the picture on the shirt:
The town on the shirt is Alqosh, a small Christian-majority town in Iraq.
Alqosh, like many parts of Iraq, has had Christians living in it for well over 1300 years. It is also the biblical town of the prophet Nahum. Mosul was initially taken over by IS in June. But since the ultimatum, there are now no Christians there for the first time in 1600 years. Places like Alqosh and Qaraqosh had become places of refuge for Christians, but in early August, Qaraqosh was also taken over by IS, and about 50,000 Christians were once again forced to flee.
Tens of thousands of Christians are on the move in Iraq, as IS continues to spread throughout villages and cities.
The shirt comes with 1 Corinthians 12:26 printed on the right sleeve.
“ If one part suffers, every part suffers with it”
Read the rest of the story, buy a shirt and keep telling their story.
Also check out the Open Doors blog post for information about upcoming prayer days.
See my other posts tagged ‘persecution’