I broke my toe wrestling a lion

In my former life as a sportsman, I had a number of injuries. Both ankles. Rectus femuris. Both thumbs. Lower back. Both shoulders. Out of all my injuries, I managed to never break a bone. Until last night. I broke my toe. The little one. On my left foot. I haven’t been to a doctor, but I’m confident this is more than a stubbed toe! I think I can deal with it. I’m pretty tough. The thing I can’t deal with is how I broke the toe.

Was I viciously tackled from behind by a South American while playing football? No. Did I fall off my bike while riding in the picturesque French Alps? No. Were my calculations slightly out when dropping into a 90ft half-pipe on my skateboard? No.

I broke my toe writing an essay.

Embarrassing. I know. Yep. My first broken bone is from an academic injury. How the heck can you break a toe writing an essay? Let me explain.

Continue reading “I broke my toe wrestling a lion”

Moore College Exam Fest

Mid-year exams rock my Winter. We’re currently on StuVac at the moment. Next week it’s game time. So Moore College crew get your exam prep tweets on with this hashtag: #MooreExamFest. I figured the World Cup (pray for it) is on, lots of festivities, let’s make a festival of exam study!! (Probably the single most nerd thing I’ve ever typed!)

There were quite a few peeps who got in the action for #MTCexamcram09. It was good. Here are the 3 reasons from last year:

  1. I’m motivated to study because I see others studying
  2. There are gems among the quotes, reflections and bible verses being shared
  3. It’s a fun and maybe (?) useful way to use social media

Follow the action in the widget above or by clicking here.

Themelios Journal – Something for the older punks

Lots of my posts lately have been written with younger punks in mind (ie Youth Ministry and KYCK posts). If you’re an older smarter punk, I haven’t forgotten you! This one goes out to you. Themelios is An International Journal for Pastors and Students of Theological and Religious Studies. If you kinda fit into either of those categories, check it out.

The latest issue – Volume 35 Issue 1 April 2010 – has just been released. It’s hectic in length – 196 pages. But jam-packed with solid content. My tip for reading? Read the feature articles – that’s manageable. The 1000 book reviews aren’t manageable – so scan them and work out any that grab your attention. I enjoy Don Carson’s editorials and have particularly liked reading Carl Trueman during the past year.

Moore College is also represented. Mark Thompson and Paul Williamson are on the Editorial Board. Paul Barnett and Con Campbell both have book reviews this issue.

4 ways to read it: Online | iPaper | PDF | Osmosis

(h/t Andy Naselli)

I’ve now recovered from all-you-can-eat

It’s taken 6 days, but I’ve now recovered from all-you-can-eat at the Merrylands’ Men’s Fight Night last week! It seemed like a good idea at the time, but 10 different types of meat with next to no vegetables really wasn’t a brilliant idea. Excessive food consumption aside, partnering with Merrylands Anglican Church was a joy for our team of Moore College students.

If you missed our posts during mission – they are listed below the jump:

Continue reading “I’ve now recovered from all-you-can-eat”

Cross Cultural Fail

Realising that the man only spoke Arabic, plan B kicked into action. I reached for the green Arabic copy of Luke’s gospel. Proudly I held it up the right way. My cultural savviness was paying off; I know that this language reverses the reading direction. This is going well! Simultaneously he began closing the door as he said ‘Islam’. The conversation quickly progressed to plan C.

Yeah-soos?? Yeah-soos?? Yeah???

As the door closed, the smile on Robbo’s face said it all. Yes. I said Jesús in Spanish instead of Arabic.

I could justify my cultural faux pas by explaining to you that my mission team is very Anglo-Christian. It does include 3 Dave’s, 3 Matt’s, 2 Andrew’s and 2 Daniel’s. Or maybe I just need to work harder at understanding people and cultures…


Can you really say there’s only one true religion?

We’ve sent a number of advance troops out to leaflet commuters at Merrylands Station each morning. If you’ve spent much time catching trains around Sydney City, you’ll realise that commuters are willing to read any trash you put in their hands. MX is the prime example. Trashy journalism at it’s best, or worst. Yet everyone reads it!

Merrylands Anglican Church and/or Moore College don’t have the budget to produce glossy glossy publications every day, but we figure that we can provide some content that’s less trashy and hopefully a little more thought-provoking.

It works. People take it. People read it. Here is tomorrow morning’s edition: Can you really say there’s only one true religion? (PDF)

I think this is an evangelism/engagement strategy that churches could use once a week. If you’re near a busy train station or bus stop, here’s what you do:

  1. get someone with basic skills* in design to provide a simple template
  2. write a brief article with a thought provoking/provocative title
  3. advertise church and/or some upcoming events
  4. throw in a puzzle and some pictures
  5. print it A5 double sided
  6. give it to people thursday (or whenever) morning each week

Hey presto!

Does anyone know of churches/ministries doing this regularly??

*basic skills = knowing that Comic Sans is a bad font!