Moore College Societas 2009

Societas is the annual student magazine put out by Moore College. The 2009 edition has just come out and again it looks hot! Really good design. Really good content.

moore college societas 09

If you want to pray for Moore college students – or you’re interested in becoming a student – make sure you get hold of one these puppies. Let me know if you want me to hook you up with a free copy… seriously.

Also – check out this article about the greater flexibility that Moore will be offering next year with study options.

(h/t blatant ripping from steve’s blog)

Greek Bootcamp 09

I’ve got 42 days until my final New Testament Greek exam. It’s open book. That means the expectations are higher. Kinda packing darkies, but prepared to bust my gut in prep.

greek bootcamp 09

So the 42 day bootcamp began today. I’ve got my 96 page exercise book ready to roll. I’m wearing an army print t-shirt to mark the day. Lots of pain ahead… bring it!

Here’s my tally sheet that’s pasted in the front: PDF; Excel.

Diploma of Biblical Studies

Rowena recently finished her Diploma of Biblical Studies through Moore College and will graduate in a week. She’s found the course extremely useful in life and ministry. The email she sent around to her family is below. It’s encouraging. (Used with permission!)

Diploma of Biblical Studies

Hey Hey, after like 8 and a half years (with a few breaks in-between) I have finally completed my Diploma of Biblical Studies. I’m very happy to have been able to undertake this study. In looking back over the courses I am amazed at the broad ranging biblical ideas I’ve been able to engage with as part of the program. Through the course I have touched on every book of the bible along with a range of church history, apologetics and Christian worship subjects. Through my studies I have been able to deepen my understanding of the scriptures and have grown in my appreciation of God’s purposefulness in his interaction with the world as revealed in biblical history culminating in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. Thanks for your interest over the years in my studies shown through the various conversations we have had and in Dave’s case patience in me attending classes etc. In Rach’s case thanks in particular thanks for being a keen study partner and fellow learner. Rach now you have to finish!!!!

Well not sure what I’m going to do with myself now that this slab of study is over with? Maybe I’ll be able to come up with something later in June!!!

Keep reading your bibles and taking the opportunity to learn of God’s goodness to us as revealed in the scriptures, I encourage you to find both formal (eg courses and programs) and informal opportunities (daily quiet times) to do this.

Love Row

Very cool.

Church History on iTunes U

iTunes U is gold! It’s a stack of tertiary institutions around the world that share their lectures and resources online through iTunes. (I’ve linked to it before: here and here).

church history on iTunes U

We’ve got a Church History essay due next Tuesday. Over the last few days, I’ve listened to a couple of relevant lectures that have been helpful for setting the context. They are from Covenant Theological Seminary: Reformation and Modern Church History. Reformed Theological Seminary also have a stack of lectures online.

This might be helpful for others doing the same essay. Not doing the essay? Open iTunes (download here), go into the iTunes Store, and there’s an iTunes U button in the top left corner – lots of treasures to be found!

A warm fuzzy for the 1st person with the name of chick in the above pic…

#MTC Mission Wrap

The past week has been crazy good. Moore College (MTC) have been spread over 15 churches throughout Sydney, partnering with them to proclaim Jesus. Our chaplaincy crew  had a full and exciting week in Minto and Eaglevale. God is doing exciting things!!

Young Crew in Sydney South West

Go have a read of student blogs: 2nd years + the rest in mpj’s side bar. There’s lots of encouraging stories and reflections. Sometimes it can get a bit nerdy hanging out with each other at college… but when you go away on mission you see some very gifted, creative and talented students boldy proclaiming King Jesus!

Here’s part 2 (see part 1) of the MTC peeps who’ve tweeted with the #MTC on twitter:

Continue reading “#MTC Mission Wrap”