How to become a Christian

How do you become a Christian? What are the basics of the Christian faith? Here are 3 simple words of faith. They aren’t magical words. But saying these 3 words to God are a good first step in becoming a Christian.


  1. SORRY – The Reason for Faith
  2. THANKS – The Object of Faith
  3. PLEASE – The Life of Faith

Let me know if you want to chat further about having faith in Jesus.

How To Be A Spirit-Filled Church – Sermon

Our new teaching series at St Faith’s is called The Powerful, The Poisonous & The Personal. In it we’re looking at some potentially controversial teachings within the church. This past weekend I spoke on the book of Ephesians and what it means to be a Spirit-Filled church.

Here is the MP3 from the sermon:


[right click etc to download]

Feel free to leave any questions or comment. Peaceout.

The Incomparable God gives strength to the weary

On Sunday night we had a special year 12 church service. It was encouraging to be able to pray for them and preach to them. I spoke from Isaiah 40 encouraging people to lift up their eyes to see the Incomparable God who offers strength to those who put their hope in him.

Here’s a link to the mp3. I hope it’s helpful for those who need a bigger picture perspective.

The Incomparable God gives strength to the weary – Isaiah 40 – Dave Miers
(right-click etc to download)

The Prodigal God – Sermon

Here is my sermon from this past weekend at St Faith’s Narrabeen. I’ve preached on Luke 15 a bunch of times in the last few years. I gave it bit of a rework over the weekend including a new title, The Prodigal God with a longer discussion on the reckless love of God. I think people found the emphasis helpful. If you had a listen and are interested in thinking through some of the ideas a bit further, check out The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller.

The Prodigal God – Luke 15:11-32 – Dave Miers [right-click to download etc…]

Also, they’ve said that a few bits were missed in the recording. I recorded a copy as well. I haven’t listened, but if you do, and it feels like something is missing, let me know and I can email a full mp3. But I’m sure you won’t miss much.

If you have a listen and realise that you are distant from God either because of your rebellion or religiosity – let me know and we (or I can find someone near where you live) can chat about how to come back to God. No pressure.

Pic from Saltmotion – used by permission.

Soulies Underground – Romans 8

Super-encouraging time at SOULIES UNDERGROUND on Friday night. Good turn out. Good vibe. Solid time in Romans 8. Great to pray for Turkey, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan. Sang some quality songs. Simple night. We were aiming to 1) HUNGER for the Word and 2) PRAY for the World. I think both those things happened. Praise God!

The video above is an uncut version of the live web stream. We had no more than 15 viewers at any one time, and perhaps 30-40 different people who watched online. I think it was worth having a go at the live stream. We’ll give it another crack next time!

(If you watch the above video, skip along for 15 minutes or so for it to actually start. We’ll also try to get the mp3s of the talks online this week)

What has Zerubbabel got to do with Christianity in China?

What follows is from the editing room floor from my sermon this past weekend. I was given Zechariah 3 & 4, but could only fit chapter 3 into the sermon. So here are a couple of comments and a story reflecting on chapter 4.

In Zech 3, we see how God will deal with the sin of his people. In the vision in Zech 4, we see how God will sustain his people while they carry out the work of rebuilding the temple.

As we read chapter 4 through the lens of the cross of Jesus, God’s people are no longer seeking to build a physical temple, but rather we are part of “being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:4) We build the Kingdom as we join in God’s mission of making disciples of all nations.

1) Kingdom work happens by the power of God’s Spirit.

Check out Zech 4:6

So he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.

It’s easy to think that Kingdom work happens in our strength. But that’s dumb. Zerubbabel was a pretty impressive leader – but God’s word for him was “trust me, not yourself”. Israel needed to depend upon God for God’s work to be completed with the temple. We need to depend upon God as we join him in his mission. Trust him.

2) Kingdom work happens in God’s timing

Check out Zech 4:10a

“Who despises the day of small things? Men will rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.

This verse is brilliant. The plumb line is the ancient measuring device used to make sure things are vertical. Basically they made sure that buildings didn’t become leaning towers of Pisa! It’s therefore something that would have been used in the very early stages of building, as the scaffolds went up – out went Zerubbabel’s hand with the plumb line. This could be seen as the day of a small thing, yet it’s significant and worthy of rejoicing.

Kingdom work is normally made up of lots of little things, small steps. Most people don’t get the gospel the first time they hear it. It normally takes time.

Most churches don’t experience 1000’s of conversions each year. But one by one, God is adding to the number of disciples in the Kingdom.

Verse 10 made me think of the small things that Robert Morrison was part of 200 years ago in China.


Robert Morrison – The First Missionary to China

In 1807 Robert Morrison, the first Protestant missionary to China, began his ministry with high hopes. After 27 years of hard work all he had were ten converts to Christianity. But during this time of hard spiritual sowing he translated the Bible into the Chinese language. Twenty years after his death another young missionary came to China with high hopes.

Continue reading “What has Zerubbabel got to do with Christianity in China?”

4 Youth Sermons on ROMANS 8

Romans is the Mt Everest of the Bible. Romans 8 is the Mt Everest of Romans. That means Romans 8 is pretty massive. Breathe-taking. Go read it. Seriously. In early March I got to hang out with a fantastic bunch of young punks from Holy Trinity and Trinity Bay in Adelaide, South Australia. We spent 4 days digging into Romans 8. What a great encouragement to see the hunger and maturity of the members of these youth ministries.

Here are the mp3s from the Romans 8 talks:

Romans 8 – Delivered
Romans 8 – Adopted
Romans 8 – Frustrated
Romans 8 – Loved

[right-click etc to download]