10 Ways For Parents To Protect Their Kids Online

The internet can be used for great good, but also great harm. Most children know more about how to use the internet than their parents. Therefore it’s incredibly important that parents work hard at understanding the potential dangers and develop strategies to protect their children online.

Protecting kids online (pic taken in Newtown)

Here are 10 ways for parents to protect their kids online:

  1. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
  2. Work hard at understanding the online world
  3. Protect your computer
  4. Computer in public (e.g. lounge room not bedroom)
  5. Agree on a rules for Internet use
  6. Shoulder Surf – discourage secret keeping
  7. Remind to be cautious
  8. Learn the features of new devices
  9. Talk to teachers and Christian leaders about the latest useful websites for children
  10. Model how the internet can be used for good.

These are from a workshop presented at Hunter Bible Church. Listen to the talk (MP3).

Check out purity.davemiers.com for a growing list of resources

Changed by Jesus – Sermons

I preached at Willoughby the past two Sunday nights. The series was all about the difference that the gospel and knowing Jesus makes. Talk 1 was from Luke 19 and looked at the change in Zacchaeus upon meeting Jesus. Talk 2 was from Luke 16 and looked at the Shrewd manager and how his story encourages Christians to make decisions shaped by Jesus and eternity.

changed by Jesus

Here are the mp3s from the two talks:

Living the Revolution – NQ Megasurge

Following Jesus is radical. Jesus died. Jesus rose again. And those that follow Jesus are to be radically changed by that good news… it will start a REVOLUTION in your life.

Living the Revolution

This series looks at Luke’s biography of Jesus and ask the questions: What makes Jesus so radical? What does it means to live the revolution? Are you living it?

I gave the following talks (mp3) on North Queensland Megasurge 09 (live tweets):

  1. Radical Love (Luke 15:11-35)
  2. Radical King (Luke 23:32-43)
  3. Radical Discipleship (Luke 9:18-27)
  4. Radical Change (19:1-10)
  5. Radical Priorities (16:1-15)

GenR8 Ministries Annual Conference – Do Not Lose Heart

Today I spoke at the GenR8 Ministries Annual Conference. “GenR8 helps NSW Scripture Teachers, Chaplains and Scripture Boards strengthen their ministry in NSW schools so that many more young lives will be transformed through the Lord Jesus Christ.”

GenR8 ministries - new website launched at conference

It was a privilege to hang out with this great group of people. They are doing such a valuable work in NSW government schools, and there’s exciting plans in the pipelines. I kicked off the day speaking on 2 Corinthians 4Do Not Lose Heart.


The Search – Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes was a book of wisdom written about 3000 years ago. Yet it could easily have been written yesterday with its relevant observations of “life under the sun”. It was written by (or at least through the eyes of) Solomon, King of Israel. In it he speaks about life, death, work, money, pleasure, sex, alcohol, music, justice and God. The big question that Solomon asks is “what’s the point of life?”

The Search - Ecclesiastes

Throughout the book he embarks on a search to find meaning and purpose in life. He concludes that everything is meaningless – it’s temporary and won’t last forever. Although everything “under the sun” is meaningless, life under the Son (JESUS) is far from meaningless. As we think about the search for meaning and purpose in life – the key question we want to think through is “what difference does Jesus make?” Knowing Jesus changes everything!

I gave the following talks (mp3) on The Real Thing 0809:

  1. The Search for Meaning
  2. The Search for Happiness
  3. The Search for Status
  4. The Search for Justice
  5. The Search for Immortality
  6. Fix your eyes on Eternity

pic from pixelgirlpresents