RICE is good. Not just to eat, but also in the way that Jesus is being honoured through the RICE movement in Australia. First there was RICE Youth; then RICE Brisbane; then RICE Regenerate; more recently RICE En:trust Church Planting; and now RICE Surge. RICE Surge has just been launched with their website and the official announcement of their first conference in February 2010. Check out the promo vid:

Serving isn’t an optional add-on for the Christian life. Surge is seeking to encourage Christians to see that they have been “saved to serve”. There are plenty of conferences in Australia that encourage Christians to be involved in ministry.  The unique thing about this conference is that they will be helping people “to work out how God has uniquely created them to be used for His Service”.

Sounds promising. Hit it up: www.surgeconference.org.au

RICE Revolution + Working Bee

On Saturday there were two RICE events: RICE Revolution – a big gee up for high schoolers to be on mission to their schools; and RICE Youth Sydney Working Bee – a training and prep event for leaders getting ready for RICE Fever and RICE Rally.

rice revolution 2009

I spoke to the Leaders in the morning about being the type of leader God wants from Mark 10. I ran a workshop in the arvo with the year 10-12’s about being local missionaries.

Here are the mp3s:

Rice Regenerate Praise – Surrender

Rice Regenerate Praise – Surrender happened last weekend, and it was the goods! Trev Hodge and Deb Fung (and their respective bands) were thoughtful and passionate in the way they led us through stacks of singing. Pete Ko gave a great short talk on ‘Surrender’. Steve Chong led the night well and continues to make saying creeds cool!

Rice Regenerate Praise

Throughout the night a number of people got up between songs that had a word of encouragement from the scriptures to share. This was cool. I helped out with some counselling at the end of the night. It was encouraging chatting to one Christian guy about some areas of his life he needs to surrender to Jesus. I spoke to another guy who isn’t yet a Christian, but I believe he’s close to the Kingdom. It was encouraging to hear of his friend who invited him to start investigating the claims of Jesus about 8 weeks ago.

Go check out a couple of videos at the Rice Regenerate website.