9 Replies to “Vote 1 DALE07”

  1. KR also has a presence on YouTube, Myspace and face book. Is it polluting the internet?

  2. Apparently it’s extremely similiar to Barak Obama’s. I haven’t looked at either, that’s just what some political reporter bloke on 702 was saying anyway.

  3. i think you’re right… or the reporter dude… now he just needs a girl to strut around in a bikini… but i guess he’s already got the rugby league beer drinking crew to vote for him anyway!

  4. If I was American, and I had ever thought about voting for BO (Ha!), that bikini girl would’ve changed my mind! What a joke! Can you imagine Howard using bikini girls to campaign? There isn’t a word for how ridiculous that’d be!

    American politics flabbergasts me. Especially the crazy rally things they have. At least at Australian political parties’ get-togethers, they just have posters up to warn people about The Chaser boys!

  5. Putting aside the fact that I can’t vote for JH anyway because he isn’t my local member, it is way to early for me to tell if I would vote Labor or Liberal.

    I was under the impression that Obama Girl was just some crazed fan, not a publicity stunt.

  6. I was under the impression that Obama Girl was just some crazed fan, not a publicity stunt.

    that’s what they wanted you to think.

    it was a set-up

  7. Love the support Andy. And the answer would be a YES!! Out with Legal studies, in with air guitar studies!!

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