Welcome to a bumper issue of #SNIPPETY! A variety of links to check out including: a prayer for our growing children; a Free Book from Matt Chandler; how to plan for a productive day tomorrow; and if you don’t speak Italia, a soccer goal scored from 70 metres!

The article on Wheaton students protesting Rossaria Butterfield is interesting. Basically students at Wheaton – an evangelical college in Illinois – protested a guest speaker who had turned from a lesbian lifestyle when she started following Jesus. Denny Burk points out the generational shift taking place with young people connected to evangelical churches being influenced by culture in their understanding of homosexuality being a valid story for Christians. I think Christians need to be equipped to lovingly hold firm to what the Bible teaches on sex and relationships.

See below for the snippets:


We shouldn’t be surprised when people seek asylum. The Bible shows clearly that sin creates victims. Where there’s a Cain, we find an Abel (Genesis 4). Sadly, this world is still full of Cains — and therefore plenty of Abels who need protection. Jesus himself started life as a refugee: when the Jewish King Herod ordered the killing of young boys in Bethlehem and the surrounds, Joseph and Mary sought asylum in Egypt (Matthew 2:13–18).

A prayer for our growing children

As they mature and leave the home
provide them adequate finances, but not riches
spouses who will love them, but not worship them
Give them sorrows, but not too deep
struggles, but not too great

Wheaton students protest Rosaria Butterfield

This isn’t the last time we will hear stories like this one. I expect to hear more in coming days, and I suspect that they might also originate in unexpected places. They might even originate near you. Will you be ready when they do?

Are Christians persecuted? – Michael Jensen

But being persecuted is not the goal: the goal is to proclaim Christ and to obey him. The rest is in the hands of the Sovereign Lord. Sometimes in history that has meant persecution for Christians. Sometimes it hasn’t. Whatever may happen—and I pray we are spared the ravages of a systemic persecution—we should never tire of holding out the gospel of Jesus Christ to our nation.

How to Set Yourself Up for a Productive Day

How many times has this happened to you? You go to bed after a long, unproductive day with the intention that tomorrow is going to be different. Then you wake up the next day and fall right back into the same old trap. It feels like you’re trapped inside your own private version of Groundhog Day. Before you know it, it is time to eat lunch and you can’t point to one significant thing you’ve accomplished.

To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain – Matt Chandler // FREE DOWNLOAD

In this disruptively inspiring book, Chandler offers tangible ways to develop a faith of pursuing, chasing, knowing, and loving Jesus. Because if we clean up our lives but don’t get Jesus, we’ve lost! So let the goal be Him. To live is Christ, to die is gain—this is the message of the letter. Therefore, our lives should be lived to Him, through Him, for Him, with Him, about Him—everything should be about Jesus.

Rocambolesco gol in Lega Pro: tiro da 70m di Zampaglione

Gol fortunato per Zampaglione, attaccante della Vigor Lamezia. Al 35mo della sfida di Lega Pro, Seconda Divisione, sul campo del Tuttocuoio un contrasto in scivolata si trasforma in un tiro potente che, aiutato dal forte vento, si infila nella porta avversaria tra la sorpresa di giocatori e tifosi sugli spalti. (RCD – Gazzetta Tv)

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