Avatar is FernGully

Last night, Row and I went to the movies for the first time since Samuel was born. It was good fun. We got to wear these crazy 3D glasses while watching Avatar. I really enjoyed it, visually quite spectacular. As we left the cinema Row’s assessment was that it was just a more sexied up version of the 1992 Australian movie, FernGully: The Last Rainforest. Check out this mash-up: Avatar trailer audio, with snippets from FernGully.

Here’s the real Avatar trailer | Here’s Rich Beeston’s Fervr review

And then it dawned on me, I turn 30 this year!

Not long after the rocket-clock tick-tocked past midnight to begin 2010, it dawned on me, I turn 30 this year! During 2009, I had moments of anxiety knowing that ‘next year’ I turn 30. ‘Next year’ is now ‘this year’. ‘This year’ is pretty much the end of life as I know it. Some have called this a quarter-life crisis. Row laughed when I suggested this. She said “what, you think you’re going to live to 120 years old?!?!”

She has a point. But just like a mid-life crisis is normally after the half-way mark, 30 is a mathematically valid time to be having a quarter-life crisis. I really respect the bible college that I attend, in fact I quite like it and see the benefit of being there. But sometimes, I feel a bit like Billy Madison. I know there are serial students, but they normally have a PHD by my age. I’m just doing another Bachelor’s degree, I don’t have a full-time job, I have about 50 casual jobs. I kinda feel like I’m waiting to get on with life.

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