Black is the new Bieber

The pop culture phenomenon  of the week is Rebecca Black with her new hit song “Friday”. Black is being likened to teenage super-pop-star Justin Bieber. It went from 2000 hits to 25million hits just this week!! Perhaps Black is the new Bieber? Anyway, you decide:

Sometimes modern pop lyrics are hard to understand. Not in this track. They are simple, yet profound. Her observations on life are quite insightful.

It’s only March, but this song is well on its way to ‘song of the year’. Triple thumbs up ;)

34 Replies to “Black is the new Bieber”

  1. What struck me was that all the teenagers in the clip actually looked like teenagers. They weren’t 20-something year olds pretending to be 15 or overly glamorised and dressed up. I’ve been so conditioned to seeing that in music videos that it actually shocked me a little.

  2. meh. Didn’t do it for me, but then I’m not a youngpunk(TM). Felt really, really simplistic – lyrics were banal.

    Am I just an old fart?

    1. Never!


      If it wasn’t obvious in the first 2 paragraphs, the “triple” thumbs up and wink at the end were hopefully small indicators!!

  3. There is nothing profound about a stream of consciousness narrative about how one looks forward to the weekend, starting with waking up on a Friday morning.

  4. How you could possibly use the word “profound” in a description of this (can we call this music/art?) is beyond me. :P

  5. we so excited?!?!..we gonna have a ball today

    we’re so excited! we’re gonna have a ball today!

    maybe she spends a little too much time learning the days of the week, driving underage and going to parties on the weekend…lol

    However, we have all learnt this valuable lesson from Rebecca Black

    yesterday was thursday,
    (assuming it was friday)
    tomorrow is saturday and sunday comes afterwards

    see i always thought that sunday was after friday and that saturday came afterwards… :S

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