Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund

So many needs in our world right now. So much devastation. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan is horrible. Keep praying and consider giving some cash to help the relief effort.

Here’s the press release from Anglican Aid:

Anglican Aid has been shocked by the horrific 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that rocked the country Japan on Friday 11th March. We await further and more detailed news with apprehension.

Our hearts and our prayers go out to all who have lost loved ones, homes and livelihoods, and we offer our prayers to those involved in the relief effort. We also pray for the officials dealing with the damaged nuclear reactor.  Despite the natural disasters that have devastated our world in recent times, we are thankful that as Christians we are able to find comfort in the promises of Jesus Christ.

Tax deductible donations to Anglican Aid will be accepted.  If in the unlikely event that more funds are raised than are needed, these funds will be held for future emergencies as they arise.

From Anglican Aid. Or you could go to dosomethingnow.com or World Vision.

Likewise check out the CMS website for news and prayer points for missionaries in Japan.

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