Driscoll on the Coast night #1. Wow! What an incredible night!! Mark Driscoll spoke on Lovin’ the Coast. He spoke on Exodus 20 (+ a stack of other Bible references) and the 10 commandments. He spent his whole time on #1 (You shall have no other gods before me) and #2 (you shall not make for yourself an idol…) specifically speaking about Idolatry and contrasting it with worship. The brilliant thing that Mark did was accurately diagnose the cultural context of the Central Coast.
As a non-Central Coast resident, he spoke about what he observed about the area. He summarised the idol of the Coast as the Idol of Comfort. This is our god. The Central Coast has a great love for the creation, but no love for the Creator. In the end, idolatry is really at the root of all sin.
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