#MTC Mission Wrap

The past week has been crazy good. Moore College (MTC) have been spread over 15 churches throughout Sydney, partnering with them to proclaim Jesus. Our chaplaincy crew  had a full and exciting week in Minto and Eaglevale. God is doing exciting things!!

Young Crew in Sydney South West

Go have a read of student blogs: 2nd years + the rest in mpj’s side bar. There’s lots of encouraging stories and reflections. Sometimes it can get a bit nerdy hanging out with each other at college… but when you go away on mission you see some very gifted, creative and talented students boldy proclaiming King Jesus!

Here’s part 2 (see part 1) of the MTC peeps who’ve tweeted with the #MTC on twitter:

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Living the Revolution – NQ Megasurge

Following Jesus is radical. Jesus died. Jesus rose again. And those that follow Jesus are to be radically changed by that good news… it will start a REVOLUTION in your life.

Living the Revolution

This series looks at Luke’s biography of Jesus and ask the questions: What makes Jesus so radical? What does it means to live the revolution? Are you living it?

I gave the following talks (mp3) on North Queensland Megasurge 09 (live tweets):

  1. Radical Love (Luke 15:11-35)
  2. Radical King (Luke 23:32-43)
  3. Radical Discipleship (Luke 9:18-27)
  4. Radical Change (19:1-10)
  5. Radical Priorities (16:1-15)

Radical King

The good life presented in Lily’s Alen’s The Fear is filled with money, clothes, diamonds, fame, good tan, good looks and more! Lots of people think that once they’ve got those things – they will have made it – they’ll have the good life. What’s your idea of the good life? Sometimes what we think is good… may not really be that good. You hear of famous people all the time who seem to have it all – yet their lives are empty, their relationships suck, they are miserable. What’s the good life? The really good life? How do you get it?

Radical King

The crucifixion of Jesus is an unlikely place to find the answers. In Luke 23:32-43, there are two ways that people respond to Jesus. The rulers, soldiers, sign-writer, and one of the criminals being executed alonside Jesus all make run of Jesus. They reject him.

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Radical Love

All people just want to be accepted. That’s why we form into groups with people like us. Sub-cultural groupings are all about being accepted and fitting in. Emo, surfer, nerds, pony club, rugby boys, etc. Wanting to be accepted is ultimately about wanting to be loved. How do you know that someone loves you? How do you know that you are really accepted? The biggest question you can ask: does God love me?

Radical Love

In Luke 15:11-32, we meet a father and his two sons. The first son is a tool. He says to his dad that he wants his share of the inheritance now. He’s basically saying: “I wish you were dead!” His dad gives him his share of the estate and then he goes off and parties it all down the toilet in wild living. When Rebel Kid comes to his senses, he comes home and he’s accepted by his loving father.

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North Queensland Megasurge 09

Next weekend I’ll be heading up to Nth QLD for their first ever Megasurge. It’s sponsored by the Pressies and Youth Surge. I’m really looking forward to the weekend. Stay tuned over the next week as I post some prep notes for the talks.

North Queensland Megasurge

If you stumbled here and you’re involved in youth ministry in Nth QLD, make sure you take your youth group!! Here’s the rego form (pdf).