I snapped this photo while taking the young fella for a walk this morning. It is the end of my street. It really is an amazing location. Public transport. Cafes. Restaurants. 7-Eleven. Cycle paths. Playgrounds. Patrolled beach. Fruit shop. Schools. Hardware store. Bakery. Lake. People. Church. We don’t presume to live in such a sweet location, but are nonetheless grateful for God’s provision and the generosity of God’s people.

In Ben’s sermon today, he spoke about how the needs are obvious in places where earthquakes, famines, uprisings, poverty and injustice abound. But the needs are less obvious in affluent, comfortable, self-reliant areas like the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Yet there remains a façade hiding the deep spiritual poverty on the Beaches. It really is an area that, despite its affluence and beauty, is full of people who are “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).
I’m praying for this area from Matthew 9:37-38 – Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (ESV)
I’m also praying that however long we live in this beautiful place that we will be part of the answer to that prayer.
ps – did you stumble here looking for pimpin real estate on sydney’s northern beaches? You’ve got a deeper need than a sweet view and a lazy lifestyle. Find out more about what matters most here, here and here.
pps – the above phone pic is originally from my posterous photo blog. The boomsauce is thanks to the instagram app.