Emma Joy

Went to visit our new niece last night. Introducing Emma Joy (with her parents). Cute.

Emma Joy

Baptism Video

On Saturday 28-Feb-09, I finally got baptised! The vid below is particularly for some family who couldn’t make it at short notice. We had lunch with family and a few friends at Terrigal Haven and then I was baptised by Tim Baldwin. Check out the pics. Vid:

“Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (ROMANS 6:3-4)

Baptism Pictures

It’s taken a while, but on Saturday, I got baptised. Some basic video footage was taken, particularly for family who couldn’t make it on the day. I’m having some problems uploading it. You can find out why it took me so long to get baptised by watching the vid… in the meantime check out some pics. EDIT: Here’s the video

Some family and a couple of friends were there at Terrigal Haven as I shared some testimony stuff and then Tim Baldwin baptised me. EDIT: Here’s the video

Protect your Marriage

I’m 28. Over the last 6 months, I’ve learned of an increasing number of my peers (+ or – 5 years) who have been separated or divorced. Some of them I know well, others I’ve known in the past, still others are acquaintances/facebook friends. Either way, it’s heartbreaking to learn about Christian marriages ending.

yep... that's us.

In most of the circumstances, I don’t know all the details, nor do I need to know, but as far as I can see there are 3 main causes of breakdown in these marriages:

  1. Unfaithfulness
  2. One of the spouses stops claiming to be Christian
  3. Not dealing with small issues as they arise. These then increase and are no longer small issues but one big issue that seems too difficult to resolve.

I’m sure it’s much, much more complex than the 3 bullet points above may suggest! If you’ve recently separated or divorced, I sincerely hope you aren’t offended by this post. If your marriage is currently on rocky grounds – get help now (if you don’t know where to turn, contact me and I can hopefully point you in a helpful direction). Here’s the key questions I’m thinking through:

  • How do I guard my marriage?
  • How do I help my friends and those I’m ministering to, to guard their marriages?
  • How do we help people adequately prepare before marriage to fight for their marriages?

Any suggestions? Feel free to leave an anonymous comment.

Happy Birthday DMDC!

It’s just over a year since eternal weight of glory (old blog name) was magically transformed into davemiers.com. Happy Birthday DMDC!! Hits have gone up. In the 2 years of stat counting on eternal weight of glory there were about 25,000 and in the 1 year of DMDC there have been just over 50,000 (so roughly 1000 hits per week). 968 posts. 3464 comments. Thanks for reading + commenting.


In 2009 I’ll be continuing to design, write and speak (these pages have all been updated recently) from DMDC. Hook me up if you want to. Or not.


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