Post #1000: Why I blog

This is my 1000th blog post. Wow! Incredible! Amazing! Sublime! I started blogging properly (false start #1 + #2) about 1050 days ago, so it’s just under 1 post a day during that period. I’ve averaged 3.6 comments per post. Thanks for reading.

1000 | dmdc

On the whole I’m still trying to be concise, colourful, original and insightful with how I blog. Here are further thoughts on why I keep blogging:

  1. COMMUNICATION – I’m in the business of communicating. Blogging is a way of practising the communication of ideas. More than that, blogging is an opportunity to actually communicate ideas. I often use posts to prepare for talks, but have received emails from people who’ve been encouraged by my notes. That’s cool.
  2. TRUTH – there are two ways to refute error. (i) You can point at it and name it. (ii) You can proclaim the truth louder than the errors. I want to do both i and ii, but want to major on ii. There are some ‘Christian’ bloggers who spend all their time pointing at error, but forget to proclaim the truth. Truth isn’t just a concept or idea, the truth is Jesus. I hope you hear about Jesus on this blog. Likewise, lots of theological discussions are now happening online long before they’re in journals and on the shelf – it’s good to have a small part in some of those discussions.
  3. DISCIPLINE – most blog posts don’t take long, but I’ve found the habit of daily blogging to be a good discipline. Discipline at just doing ‘something’. But also the discipline at reflecting and synthesising things on stuff too. How cool was that last sentence!
  4. CULTURE – it’s good to be able to comment on cultural stuff. Blogging is also an opportunity to be part of culture. I think I’m single-handedly pushing the Australian twitter revolution! Join now fool!
  5. ENJOYMENT – it’s fun. I’ve met some great people via this blog and really enjoy trying to. Some people ask me where I get the time to blog (i) it doesn’t take that long and (ii) we don’t have a TV. Where do you get the time to watch so much TV?!

Thanks again for reading and commenting. I love you, Jesus loves you more.

DMDC | designing | writing | speaking | Jesus | Culture | Life | Design | TWITTER

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