Jesus Life Culture Design #12

Saludos amigos! It’s been a big week on DMDC. Big hits from people searching for Michael-Guglielmucci (bad news) and Mark Driscoll (good news). I’ve been encouraged this week to keep trusting and proclaiming Jesus. If you’ve stumbled onto this blog and don’t know Jesus, might help to answer some of your questions. In other big news, I will be pulling on the goal keepers gloves for the first time in 2 years in our soccer semi-final… almost as noteworthy as Mark Bosnich’s comeback! Peaceout.

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Jesus Life Culture Design #11

Mark Driscoll is in town this week. Media Reports: smh; sydney anglicans 1; and sydney anglicans 2. There are just 2 tickets left to Sick of Religion and about 50 left to Lovin’ the Coast. Register online. I’m looking forward to hearing Mark speak a number of times over the week. Three things I value about Mark Driscoll’s preaching: 1) He’s not boring 2) He boldly speaks the truth and 3) He speaks about Jesus… a lot!

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Jesus Life Culture Design #10

Big weekend in sport: Usain Bolt of Jamaica smashes the world record in 100m Olympic sprint final; Grant Hackett came so close; Michael Phelps becomes the greatest Olympic Athlete of all-time; Stephanie Rice proves she’s a better swimmer than her ex-boyfriend; the A-League and English Premier League kick off; and DAVE MIERS scores his 3rd goal of the season in EV’s 4-2 victory over Bayside.

Remember, don’t worship sport. (ps – this blog just hit 50,000 hits)

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Jesus Life Culture Design #9

Well known Christian Musician, Steven Curtis Chapman, and well known Christian Pastor + Evangelist, Greg Laurie, both recently lost a child in tragic circumstances. This morning we watched the Chapman family on Larry King Live and some heart-felt words from Laurie to his church last weekend. The resurrection of Jesus gives Christians a hope in suffering that the world doesn’t understand:

13Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. 14We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. (1 Thessalonians 4)

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Jesus Life Culture Design #8

I attended the 2008 Theology of Youth Ministry Conference on Thursday and Friday. It was very good. Three highlights: 1) Graham Stanton’s insights on the doctrine of “accommodation” in thinking through 1 Corinthians 9 and incarnational ministry. 2) Ian Fry – he smashed it to bits! 3) Hanging out some cool peeps. Stay tuned for more…

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Concern for that great city

DMDC Update: Blogging break over. Currently finishing a number of design and writing jobs. Uploaded a  bunch of talks from Term 2 (need a speaker?). Jesus is still the King.

Scott Petty spoke last night (at Senior High + 645 church) kicking off a week of prayer in preparing for connecting with the St Ives community throughout 2009. He spoke from Jonah 4 and Luke 18. In the talk he compared the prayerfulness of the persistent widow (Luke 18) with Jonah’s prayerlessness. In the talk we were challenged to see the heart of God for the 4 million people of Sydney.

But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?” (Jonah 4:11)